Rudro Dip Sarker

aka @rds_agi

Fullstack Developer | stack agnostic


Sonicrypt | Founder

April, 2024 - Present

On site
  • - Founded Sonicrypt to improve crypto transaction experience.
  • - Developed the Sonicrypt device with audio/visual payment confirmations.
  • - Integrated low-latency blockchain tech for real-time updates.
  • - Supported multiple wallets and customizable audio/visuals.
  • - Built React Native app for device configuration and management.
  • - Created Next.js website for product showcase and community.
LunCo | Open Source contributor

December, 2023 - Present

  • - Currently adding more features to the web faced product of LunCo
  • - Developed the official website of LunCo

December, 2023 - Present


    November, 2022 - December, 2023

    Rajshahi College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
    • - Managed the IT department of the club
    • - Built the official website of the club
    • - Supervised competitive programming under Rajshahi College National Science Fest 2023


    talk is cheap, show me the code.- Linus Torvald

    Startup work experince? Yup!!

    # 1.Bettre Institute

    Bettre Institute, a pioneering force in reshaping education for a sustainable and just future

    Tech stack: Next.jsNext-AuthSupabasePrismaShadcn UITailwindCSSFramer Motion

    I am building the official website for Bettre Institute, also developing AI solutions for our courses.

    # 2.LunCo

    LunCo is a open-source simulation tool designed for planning space missions, with a focus on lunar settlements

    Tech stack: Next.jsReact three fiberNext ContentlayerNext UITailwindCSSFramer Motion

    Built the official website for LunCo

    Gen AI projects?? Yup!!

    # 1.NexusOS

    Let's you create, collaborate and share your own projects, help you understand research papers and repositories

    NASA Space Apps Challenge 2023
    Rod Mamin

    Founder of

    That’s cool! Just in two days you did so much! Love hackathons for it!

    Tech stack: Next.jsNext-AuthSupabasePrismaShadcn UIGithub octokitTailwindCSSFramer Motion

    The platform has a chatbot named Nexbie which helps you understand research papers, repositories, contributor recommendation and much more. The platform also has a feature to create, collaborate and share your own projects.

    # 2.Greenlander

    Our platform is a dedicated initiative designed to educate and empower individuals in the fight against climate change.

    Tech stack: Next.jsReact three fiberNext-AuthSupabasePrismaShadcn UITailwindCSSFramer Motion

    GreenLander is proudly submitted as a project for the Hack for Earth hackathon.

    # 3.The Firm

    Store of a diverse team of GPTs ready for any task

    Malhar Ujawane

    Software Engineer | PhD GenAI LLM Researcher

    The UI is clean and fast, and I can tell there's a lot of thought behind the theme. I've always known you to be detail-oriented and committed to quality, which clearly reflects in the work you've done on this project so far.

    Tech stack: Next.jsSupabasePrismaNext UITailwindCSSFramer Motion's GPT Directory is a comprehensive resource featuring a diverse range of GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) specialized in various corporate roles.

    More projects

    # 1.NexTemplate

    Collection of custom templates and components made with Next.JS, shadcn/ui and TailwindCSS


    # 2.Ginit

    ginit is a command-line tool for initializing go projects with predefined structures and configurations


    # 3.SDC Simulation

    This project is an autonomous car simulation that uses Next13 framework to visualize the behavior of self-driving cars on a road.

    SDC Simulation

    # 4.AquaRover

    AquaRover-controller is a custom application to control AquaRover robot via bluetooth

    Malhar Ujawane

    Software Engineer | PhD GenAI LLM Researcher

    I've always known you to be detail-oriented and committed to quality, which clearly reflects in the work.

    Ben Holmes

    President of Whiteboards @astrodotbuild

    Nice portfolio! The tweet overlays on your projects are really effective

    Cristian Marcelo de Picciotto

    Systems Analyst | Magento Certified Professional Developer

    Wow, Rudro! This robot is amazing! Truly, these types of projects are an inspiration for me and for the entire developer community!


    Get in touch with me anytime, through social media, e-mail, or phone number.

    Just a friendly reminder that the information provided here is for business purposes only. If you have any questions, feel free to chat with me directly on my social media. I appreciate your understanding in using this responsibly.


    AddressRajshahi, Bangladesh

    Social Media

    Social MediaProfile URL